
Moonville Farms is a base-building tycoon P2E farming game (currently in its Alpha version) where you are able to automate production by using cute little robots that work for you, your objective is to find the most efficient layout to compete in tournaments and become the player who produces the most.

Every time the tournament ends your progress will be reset, so you can refine what you did wrong and get even more efficient! The players who perform better in the tournament will of course be rewarded with money related rewards! You earn trophies by selling items. Between its features you will also be able to customize your farm to make it look better and have your own style

What will you need to play Moonville Farms?

The game is free-to-play, all you will need is a Metamask wallet and an email to connect to the Myria website, after following these 2 easy steps you can get right into it!


1.) The game starts off by asking you in which server you want to play, we don’t know if the servers will compete separately or if it will be a cross-server competition, however go for the one with the least people just in case! (Note that your Ergon rewards will only work on the first server you enter and create a base on!)

2.) The next step is to choose where you will want your farm to be, depending on where you choose you will have to pay more on trading fees, so keep an eye out for that!

3.) After choosing the location you will be directed to the actual game, your first objective is to understand how you will be able to consistently make Luns since you will be spending them literally every minute, you will use the “Cargo Station” to sell items (every trade uses 10 of the item you chose + the price shown in Lightshards, the further you sell something to the more Lightshards you will need to use.

Use them wisely since they are a pretty limited resource at the beginning, always choose the option that costs 1 Lightshard for now, they will likely change how this works in the future), you can automate the selling as well but this is for the medium term. In the Cargo Station you will be able to choose the quantity you want to sell (not useful at the moment), the bigger the quantity the longer it will take to be sold and the more Lightshards it’ll use, this system doesn’t work well yet so always go for the 1 Lightshard option for now.

Don’t forget to check if your storage buildings have a Red Triangle on top of them, that means they are full and you should either use the resources to build/produce something or sell them in the Cargo Station to make some Luns, preferably use them to craft something at the beginning, you can always build more storage though, also to collect the money from the Cargo Stations you need to click on the coin symbol that shows up on top of them.

4.) Starsteel is used on basically everything and for that reason your next step is to build a “Starsteel Mine”, to build it position the yellow square where you want it to be built, then open the Shop, go to Bioforming, choose it and it’s done!

5.) By having a Starsteel Mine you will obviously need a structure that is able to handle metals, for this reason the next step is to build a “Forger Hub” (Hubs contain a robot that needs to be paid a wage to work, the wage is shown when you click on buildings as “X Luns/MIN”), note that it needs to be adjacent to the streets aka Transport Nodes to be built.

6.) Next item on the building list is a “Sunwind Collector” (found in the Bioforming category and also needs to be adjacent to a transport node), responsible for producing higher tier items that are worth more Luns and are also necessary to build other structures.

Use this structure to produce valuable items, and sell them to make money so you are able to make what item 9 on this list says (Purple Sweet is a great choice, to produce it you’ll need Purple Antisalt, Starsteel and 500 Luns per minute).

7.) At this point, if you have a sharp eye, you will start to notice that you are lacking resources to build some things, and that most of the structures are already “connected” and automated, so for example, to make Starsteel you will need Moondew, but the Moonwell only produces one every X seconds, so what to do?

Check what structures are needing resources and build copies of what generates said resources, so the production gets more efficient and items get crafted at a faster pace since everything needs time to be sold/crafted/collected.

I recommend taking some time and building more Moonwells and Starsteel Mines (Note that for 1 Starsteel to be created you will need 7 Moondews, so it’s better to have a higher number of Moonwells over Starsteel Mines, they don’t need to be adjacent to Transport Nodes so you can stack them anywhere you feel like won’t affect the structures that do need, later on it might be worth swapping the Moonwells for Moondrop Fields, but you’ll need 4 to be adjacent to each Starsteel Mine, they are kinda pricy, so just keep this in the back of your head for now).

8.) If you want to follow the tutorial, the Tips are actually how it’s called in this game so don’t take them as just tips, everytime you complete one you are rewarded and move to the next!

8.) You will start running out of money soon, and for that to not happen you will need to automate a Lightshard production to be able to sell things in the Cargo Station without worrying too much, to do so you will need to build a “Dark Extractor”, a “Dark Converter”, a “Drone Hub”, a “Moondew Compressor” as well as a “Solar Turbine” and a “Generator” to power up the Dark Converter (all are located in the Industrial Tab). After automating a Lightshard production is when you are truly free to expand and sell things, but always being alertl about how many Lightshards you’ve got.

Extra Info:

By completing Missions you will be able to get Ergons, the use of these will likely be the conversion for rewards but we don’t know exactly yet.

- With all the information above you should be able to progress in the game and get rewarded! Remember that this game is about automation efficiency so always keep an eye out for how many resources/Luns are being used in comparison to how many are being produced and also if they are being moved around fast enough, if not build more Hubs (Robot Houses), Hubs cost you Luns every minute due to the “Robot Wage” so think wisely about when to build more and if you are making more than you are spending, you will need to keep the game open for it to produce items, I suggest keeping it running in the background while doing other things and checking it every now and then.

- The game is pretty similar to Factorio and Satisfactory in case you have ever played any of these.

- Overall it’s a pretty fun game and even if you don’t really create a very good layout on the first reset don’t worry! Since the game resets every few days you are free to improve until you get there, you can also always delete your farm through the World Map and create a new one in the same place, but that will reset all your structures and resources.

About the Author

The Crypto Gaming Team works with Play-To-Earn game developers to build flourishing in-game economies. The Crypto Gaming Team is an EXCLUSIVE membership for "Play-To-Earn" gamers to turn their passion for Crypto Gaming into a lucrative revenue stream.